One of the modules we at Key Green Solutions track is food! Food has a great impact on the environment; what we put in our cafeterias can either negatively or positively affect your immediate community. With our module, we can automatically input the items your vendors provide to you along with costs. You can take an even deeper look and track how many sustainable foods you are purchasing, and how much of your cafeteria is made up of foods purchased from local vendors.
Track and measure the food and beverages purchased to establish a baseline, set goals, and track your progress. The food module provides robust metrics and food data collection that is essential for making healthy food purchasing changes. We track:
• Less Meat, Better Meat (reduced meat purchases)
• Healthier beverages
• Local and sustainable food purchasing
• Cool Food Pledge
• Practice Greenhealth
• Partnership for Healthier America
• Prime
Additionally, we can customize the criteria to meet the needs of your specific organization!