Sustainable Purchase Tracking: How Green are Your Purchases?

Another module Key Green Solutions offers is Purchasing! It’s important to know what your facility is buying. With our software, you can manage and measure different categories of product purchases!

Safer Chemicals (Green Cleaning, DEHP/PVC Reduction, Healthy Interiors)

Smarter Purchasing (Reprocessed Devices (SUD), EPEAT)

Paper (Post Consumer Recycled)

Office Supplies (Cartridges, IT Equipment, etc.)

Telecommunications (Telephone, Long Distance, Wireless, Cable/Satellite, Broadband/Data)

Our software helps easily identify which products are being purchased to promote safer and healthier environments. Take a step towards greener purchasing to help promote better health for your community’s environment!

Sustainable Food Practices: Track Your Food Data!

One of the modules we at Key Green Solutions track is food! Food has a great impact on the environment; what we put in our cafeterias can either negatively or positively affect your immediate community. With our module, we can automatically input the items your vendors provide to you along with costs. You can take an even deeper look and track how many sustainable foods you are purchasing, and how much of your cafeteria is made up of foods purchased from local vendors.

Track and measure the food and beverages purchased to establish a baseline, set goals, and track your progress. The food module provides robust metrics and food data collection that is essential for making healthy food purchasing changes. We track:

• Less Meat, Better Meat (reduced meat purchases)

• Healthier beverages

• Local and sustainable food purchasing

• Cool Food Pledge

• Practice Greenhealth

• Partnership for Healthier America

• Prime

Additionally, we can customize the criteria to meet the needs of your specific organization!

All Your Energy Data at the Touch of Your Fingertips!

At Key Green Solutions, one of the modules we offer for tracking is Energy & Water. We are able to obtain data directly from your vendors, making the process easy for your employees. Simply log in and have a comprehensive view of all your data.

Track energy sources by meter (consumption and supply) costs in one place:

  • Electricity (Grid, Hydroelectric, Wind, Solar, Biomass, Cogeneration)
    • Heating (Natural Gas, Steam, Propane, Fuel, Cogeneration)
    • Water (Potable water, Sewage, Irrigation, Make-Up, and Storm water)
    • Chilled Water
    • Hot Water

We normalize the energy data to account for changes in:

  • Weather (heating and cooling degree days)
    • Square footage
    • Billing cycle days / Calendar month days
    • Rates

We are able to help you look at meter usage, and can point out any problems that may be costing your organization money in the long run.

Contact us at 1-844-665-9043 or to schedule a free demonstration of the software.

Our enterprise level sustainability tools will help your organization develop systematic solutions!

Track Your Waste with Key Green Solutions!

At Key Green Solutions we offer different modules for tracking data at your facility. One of the modules we track is waste! Customers can log in and run reports for all facilities in their system, and even get automatically formulated graphs that are easily exported for presentation purposes.

With our waste module you can: Analyze waste generation, see landfill avoidance savings, view recycling volumes, and look at cost trends over time using benchmarks and performance reports for each facility.

Track all of the following in one portal:

  • Municipal Solid Waste (Compactors, Front Load, etc.)
    • Regulated Medical Waste (Red Bag, Yellow Bag, Chemo, Sharps, etc.)
    • Pharmaceutical Waste (RCRA, Non-RCRA, Controlled Substance)
    • Hazardous Waste (Aerosols, Xylene, Flammable Liquids, Labpacks, etc.)
    • Recycling (Compost, Shredding, Cardboard, Single Stream, Blue Wrap, etc.)
    • Universal (Electronics, Batteries, Lamps, etc.)
    • Reuse (Donations, Reprocessed Devices (SUD), Pallets, Linens, etc.)
    • Construction and Demolition (Solid Waste, Recycling, Concrete, Asbestos, etc.)

Contact us at 1-844-665-9043 or to schedule a free demonstration of the software.

Our enterprise level sustainability tools will help your organization develop systematic solutions!