Practice Greenhealth: Another Successful Application Season

Another season of Practice Greenhealth award applications has come to a close, and our team is looking forward to seeing our customers’ results!

Every year Key Green Solutions supports their customers applying to Practice Greenhealth by populating their application with data pulled directly out of Key Green Solution’s software application, and this data is then QC’d by the healthcare system’s personal Key Green Solutions Relationship Coordinator. This year we automatically uploaded data into the Practice Greenhealth Partner for Change Award application for 49 hospitals. We sorted through 1.5 million data records and answered around 4,000 questions; for us this takes about 5 minutes per location, all because of one word: automation.

Our automatic process saves the healthcare system time and money; there is no longer a need to scramble through endless excel sheets to find the data, and our customers can leave all the work up to Key Green Solutions. We help our customers set the standard of excellence for the healthcare community nationwide. Now all there is left to do is wait for that award!

To hear more about our software and how it can save your company time, please reach out to us for a free demonstration: Key Green Solutions :: Contact Us

or e-mail Relationship Manager Jeff Burks:

Practice Green Health, 2019 Data

See the source image

Another year of assisting health systems with Practice Green Health awards has come to a close!

Key Green Solutions has been helping upload data to the Practice Green Health award application for years. This year, we were able to help 13 healthcare systems: Bronson, Dignity, Harvard’s Beth Israel Deaconess, Hackensack, Johns Hopkins, Montefiore, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Sutter, Seattle Children’s, Stanford, University of California, Veterans Affairs, and Valley Health.

Key Green Solutions is a great tool to use for applications such as Practice Green Health and the Cool Food Pledge. When you don’t have time to put together all the numbers, we step in and do it for you. We are happy to help make a time-consuming task much more manageable, and look forward to working with more healthcare– and beyond– systems in the future!

To learn more about how we can help your organization improve your sustainability initiatives and enhance your bottom line contact us at to schedule a free online software demonstration.

Key Green Solutions Attends HealthTrust Connect

Relationship Manager, Jeff Burks, to join the HealthTrust Connect Show panel on 10/25/24

HealthTrust Performance Group is hosting a Connect Show, an event enabling healthcare leaders to learn more about sustainability in healthcare through conversation, panels, and connection with vendors. Key Green Solutions is honored to have been invited to participate in this event, and to present information about how healthcare can continue internal innovation and community improvement through better sustainability practices.

Key Green’s Relationship Manager, Jeff Burks, will be sitting at the table on October 25 answering the industry’s leading questions concerning data collection, and what has and has not worked for healthcare systems across the United States. Jeff will speak about how data can be utilized and shifted to provide a baseline of truth when adapted from otherwise scattered formats; the first real step in making a positive impact on the healthcare sector.

If you are interested in speaking with Key Green Solutions about tracking your sustainability metrics, please reach out to Relationship Manager Jeff Burks:

Key Green Solutions Sponsors West Michigan Environmental Action Council’s 21st Annual Cleanup

Owner Mark Huizenga speaks to attendees of the annual cleanup

On Saturday, September 7, Key Green Solutions attended the 21st annual WMEAC Mayors’ Grand River Cleanup. This effort allows friends, family, and businesses to volunteer their time picking up debris along the Grand River. In addition to having the opportunity to be a sponsor, Key Green Solutions employees were able to speak at the event and join the manual cleanup efforts.

Employees Jeff Burks and Joel Buys clean up along the Grand River in downtown
Grand Rapids

If you are interested in joining the WMEAC Mayors’ Grand River Cleanup, the event goes through Saturday, September 14.

If you are interested in speaking with Key Green Solutions about tracking your sustainability metrics, please reach out to Relationship Manager Jeff Burks:

Key Green Solutions Celebrates Earth Day

Key Green Solutions Team volunteers with Kent Conservation District in celebration of Earth Day

Happy Earth Day Week! Why limit action to Monday? There are endless opportunities to express appreciation and love for our beautiful planet every single day.

This past Saturday the Key Green Solutions team volunteered with Kent Conservation District in support of the Homegrown National Park Movement. This event involved selling and giving bare root plants native to Michigan. The event encourages the community to take the seedlings home to be planted on the same day, with the ultimate goal of helping individuals join the movement to restore biodiversity and ecosystem function.

Key Green Solutions customers understand the importance of making every day Earth Day, no matter how small the impact may initially seem. The little steps count on the path to a more sustainable community. If your facility is interested in gaining a better understanding of its daily energy use, water consumption, purchasing patterns, nutritional purchasing habits, greenhouse gas emissions, or waste disposal, please reach out to Relationship Manager Jeff Burks for an easy, free, and quick consultation.

Key Green Solutions :: Contact Us Thank You

Key Green Solutions Saves Almost $1,000,000 for New Customer

When organizations become customers of Key Green Solutions, they work closely with our implementation team to make sure all vendors and data is accounted for. Last year, Implementation Manager Tim Schuitema did the same for a mid-sized customer and found severe discrepancies in their billing.

Tim stated, “Last November, I was assisting in a Request for Proposal for a mid-sized organization. While compiling a 12-month hazardous waste analysis, our team noticed their spend seemed much higher than what we would normally expect. After investigation into the discrepancy, we found that not only were there errors in the reporting their hazardous waste vendor had provided, but that they were also double billed.

After the Key Green Solutions team evaluated the 12 months’ worth of invoices line item by line item to find any further latent billing errors, Tim was able to report back to the client with shocking and bad– yet ultimately great– news. “We told the customer what we had found to be multiple alleged billing errors, and they went back to their hazardous waste vendor for clarification. Thank to Key Green Solutions‘ implementation team, our customer was credited over $990,000 for the hazardous waste billing errors.”

Success stories such as this are why clients rely on Key Green Solutions to track and report their data. Our team investigates the numbers and reaches out to vendors to unravel any undiscovered reporting errors. If you are interested in a demonstration of our software, please reach out to Relationship Manager Jeff Burks:

Anesthetic Gas Reporting

“Anesthetic gases represent around 5 percent of a facility’s scope 1 GHG emissions and around 50 percent of an OR’s emissions.”

Practice Greenhealth, Anesthetic gas how-to guide

Real change comes from intentional action. Healthcare systems need to have a well-rounded visual conception of the products being purchased so that changes can be implemented. Emissions from the OR are often overlooked, but contribute a substantial amount to the facility’s overall environmental impact.

Key Green Solutions offers a purchasing module that contains an anesthetic gas report. This report allows your system or facility to set a goal and view your historical baselines so that you can better establish a path to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. After reaching out to your anesthetic gas vendors, we collect the data and upload it to our system. When you run the report, you (and your employees given access) will be able to view the costs, weights, and emissions for each type of anesthetic gas. Our reporting contains different combinations of tables and visuals; here is just one of the many graphs utilized by our customers:

If you’re interested in learning more about our purchasing module, please feel free to e-mail Relationship Manager Jeff Burks:

Key Green Solutions Celebrates Earth Day with Kent Conservation District

Key Green Solutions team helps at Kent Conservation District tree and native plant sale.

Over the weekend the Key Green Solutions family assisted Kent Conservation District in one of their four annual tree and native plant sales. It was a great opportunity to celebrate Earth Day and help out with local conservation efforts at home in the beautiful state of Michigan.

With the help of volunteers, the Kent Conservation District was able to sell over 9,300 tree and shrub seedlings native to Michigan (42 different species offered!), along with facilitating important discussions with visitors about replanting, conservation, and invasive species awareness.

If your company would like to have a discussion about tracking data surrounding your conservation efforts, please reach out to Relationship Manager Jeff Burks:

Experience You Need

Key Green Solutions is proud to celebrate its expertise. In fact, collectively our staff has nearly 100 years of experience tracking sustainability metrics! Each employee at Key Green Solutions works together to make tracking your facilities’ progress easier.

Key Green Solutions is made up a diverse group of individuals, all from different educational backgrounds and practices. Key Green Solutions has brought these individuals together, and these employees have been at Key Green Solutions combined for nearly 100 years. This means nearly 100 years of making connections with vendors, loading data, and providing reports to companies in a manner that makes interpreting data easy– all by the guidance of our customers since Key Green‘s inception. We have witnessed the growth of over 700 facilities in sustainability projects, and have been able to learn best practices being implemented across the nation.

If you would like a free demonstration, or to meet our team, please reach out to Relationship Manager Jeff Burks at, 616-915-9742

We would be happy to show you how our sustainability software can help you improve within your system and make an impression across your industry– here’s a link to help you learn more about our team and how we can help you. Key Green Solutions :: About Us

Happy Holidays from Key Green Solutions

Relationship Manager Jeff Burks and Implementation Specialist Wade Boluyt pictured

The Key Green Solutions team was able to come together and ring the bell for the Salvation Army this past Friday.

It was a pleasure to give back with our time, and to hear the amazing stories of those who stopped and donated. Remember to give back to the community this holiday season, and have a blessed time with friends and family!

To learn about our software and how it can help your company achieve sustainability goals this holiday season, please reach out for a free demonstration: Key Green Solutions :: Contact Us

or e-mail Relationship Manager Jeff Burks:

Key Green Solutions Sponsors and Helps Grand River Cleanup

KGS team participates in the 19th Annual Mayors’ Grand River Cleanup

This past Saturday the KGS team had the opportunity to participate in the 19th Annual Mayors’ Grand River Cleanup in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Key Green Solutions :: Environmental Sustainability Stategies and Management – Energy software helps organizations across the country manage their water resources. As the leader in sustainability management software, Key Green is proud to be part of managing and maintaining clean water.

Author for Melissa Schrauben has said that “While the Grand River makes up 13% of the Lake Michigan watershed, it’s still the largest contributor to the lake’s pollution.” This unfortunate scenario is why the community has decided to come together and make a change.

This annual event is an opportunity for the community to come together and clean up trash from the Grand River and the surrounding land, helping the community make a commitment to a clean and sustainable future at home. In an interview from Fox 17 Annual Mayors’ Grand River Cleanup kicks off ( , Managing Partner of KGS Mark Huizenga was quoted saying of the event, “People from all over the area come here to say clean water’s important to us, and to be part of a solution.”

The Annual Mayors’ Grand River Cleanup is only one of many events that Key Green Solutions supports, and we look forward to finding more opportunities to not only help other businesses work towards sustainability, but to also show our community that we as a business care and are taking steps personally towards a better future.

Tracking Sustainability in All Seasons

Running a system-wide sustainability initiative is hard when you don’t have a reliable baseline. Bringing about change and encouraging employees to put their best feet forward when it comes to using less water during the summertime or making adjustments in consumption only works when you have an attainable goal in mind. Key Green Solutions can help you draw that goal line and find out where the difficulties lie.

Our software allows you to benchmark your facilities against each other and see where the most work needs to be done. Your team is able to run multiyear reports for individual meters so that faulty meters and high-consumption irrigation meters can be recognized, observed, and resolved.

Sustainability projects are important, but even more important is having access to the data behind those projects. You have to observe a problem that needs resolving, and KGS allows you to track your progress. Reach out to us if you would like a free demonstration of our software, and get all your employees involved so that your company can work together on saving money and bringing about environmental change.

Key Green Solutions :: Contact Us

or e-mail Relationship Manager Jeff Burks: