Practice Green Health, 2019 Data

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Another year of assisting health systems with Practice Green Health awards has come to a close!

Key Green Solutions has been helping upload data to the Practice Green Health award application for years. This year, we were able to help 13 healthcare systems: Bronson, Dignity, Harvard’s Beth Israel Deaconess, Hackensack, Johns Hopkins, Montefiore, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Sutter, Seattle Children’s, Stanford, University of California, Veterans Affairs, and Valley Health.

Key Green Solutions is a great tool to use for applications such as Practice Green Health and the Cool Food Pledge. When you don’t have time to put together all the numbers, we step in and do it for you. We are happy to help make a time-consuming task much more manageable, and look forward to working with more healthcare– and beyond– systems in the future!

To learn more about how we can help your organization improve your sustainability initiatives and enhance your bottom line contact us at to schedule a free online software demonstration.

Key Green Solutions a Silver Friend of the 2019 CHA Assembly

Key Green Solutions was honored to be a Silver Sponsor Friend of the CHA Assembly in Dallas, TX. This was our third year as a sponsor, and it was a great experience.

Key Green Solutions with our customer CommonSpirit Health on June 10, 2019

As a sponsor, we were able to meet many great members and share our software solution designed for healthcare. Our modular based software is the leading sustainability data solution for healthcare. The modules include:





Our solution automates your data collection process to all your vendors, eliminates paper, and allows you to benchmark your facilities internally or to national Key Green benchmarks.

To learn more about how we can help your organization improve your sustainability initiatives and enhance your bottom line contact us at to schedule a free online software demonstration.