Key Green Solutions is proud to recognize one of our customers in their outstanding work towards sustainability!
During a meeting, users from one of the healthcare systems we support let us know that multiple facilities have qualified for the 2022 Energy to Care Award by the American Society for Health Care Engineering. This is amazing work that is well deserved, and we are honored to walk with them every step along their journey.
Key Green Solutions has made this road a lot simpler for sustainability, nutrition, and facilities teams, taking on the responsibility of uploading automated data that we store straight from their vendors. Our team uploads data on behalf of customers so that instead of spending hours working through mandatory entries (like Energy Star Portfolio Manager, or PGH Award Applications) they can focus on daily improvements on site.
If you would like to learn more about Key Green Solutions and the work our team does on your behalf, feel free to visit our website: www.keygreensolutions.com and click ‘contact us’ for a free demonstration.
Congratulations again to our champion customers!